The 416th Theater Engineer Command is an Army Reserve unit and one of only two Theater-level Engineer Commands in the Army. Headquartered at Darien, Illinois, the Command comprises two Engineer Brigades, a Combat Support Battalion (Maneuver Enhancement), a Regional Support Group, and the Army Reserve Marksmanship unit. It also is in command of four Direct Reporting Units: the Army Corps of Engineers Contingency Response Unit, 208th Digital Liasion Detachment, and two Forward Engineering Support Teams, the 301st and 378th.
The 416th Theater Engineer Command Distinctive Unit Insignia, or unit crest, was originally approved on 2 January 1968. A three-branched device in the middle of the insignia simulates the forks of the Chicago river and is a reference to the location where the unit was originally organized and was headquartered for over 45 years. The arrowhead-like device is the end of a plumb line and relates to the job of surveying, while the rectangles in the brown disc recall building materials; the overall insignia recalls the shape of wheels on a trench-digging machine. “Serving By Building” sums up a major component of the Command’s total mission.
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