The 6th Infantry Regimental Distinctive Insignia, or unit crest, features a scroll at the bottom inscribed with the unit motto of “Unity Is Strength.” An alligator represents the Regiment’s service in several Indian Campaigns including the Battle of Lake Okeechobee during the Seminole War. A green scaling ladder symbolizes the Regiment’s service with General Winfield Scott when he defeated the Mexican forces at Churubusco and led the Army that scaled the walls Chapultepec. The silver cross on a red field is from the arms of the ancient Lords of Dun an is emblematic of the crossing of the Meuse River in World War I.
The 6th Infantry Regimental Distinctive Insignia was first approved in 1924, but was amended once and redesignated in 1940, 1942, and 1950.
The DUI is the picture is the one you will receive.