Test And Evaluation Unit Crest (Test For The Best)

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This Distinctive Unit Insignia (unit crest, DUI) for the U.S. Army Developmental Test Command was originally approved on 24 Jul 1984 for the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command and was subsequently redesignated for the U.S. Army Developmental Test Command on 1 October 1999. “Test For The Best,” the unit motto, has a dual meaning, with the “best” referring both to the item being evaluated and the Army personnel for whom the testing is being done.

The unit’s status as a Major Command is conveyed through the use of the colors scarlet blue and the white wedge shape. In the lower right, an eight-point star represents the unit’s headquarters, with the nine stars emanating from it symbolize the Command’s subordinate or satellite commands geographically spread from the Panama Canal Zone all the way to Alaska; the field’s four sections stand for the variety of climates within that area. A belt encircling the entire insignia denotes central control, while the circle it forms represents the unity and continuity of the organization’s mission.

The consolidation of developmental and operational testing in the Army was approved by the Vice Chief of Staff on 18 November 1998, leading to the redesignation of Operational Test and Evaluation Command to Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC). The previous Test and Evaluation Command became a major subordinate command of ATEC and was redesignated as the U.S. Army Developmental Test Command, with its headquarter remaining at Aberdeen Proving Ground. Today, DTC is one of three major subordinate commands within ATEC, the others being devoted to Operational Testing and Evaluation.

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The DUI is the picture is the one you will receive.